Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The doctor's appointment today with the cardiologist went great!!! She said the slight skips that were occurring were actually quite common and that the majority of the time will clear up 1 or 2 weeks after birth.

We were so thankful and relieved to hear that from a specialist. She was not concerned at all. She said everything looks great actually. It was amazing to hear that heart beat so hard and loud. Sometimes I still can't believe she's right here, inside my belly. Not for long though! Four weeks and counting! I don't know how many times a day Justin and I just look at each other with amazement, excitement and surprise. Everything we do from here on are the last minute things to get ready for her arrival.

Cloth diapers are in the wash as we speak to be ready to go for when she gets here! Have I mentioned how stinkin' cute they are?!

Thank you for all of the prayers this past week. It is so helpful to hear the kind words and advice from you. I appreciate you all for reading my blog and stepping into such an exciting part of our world.

Well, back to the laundry for now...


  1. I'm glad things went well Erica! God is great!


  2. Wonderful! I was thinking of you guys today. Can't wait for this little one to make her appearance!

  3. Wow, that is wonderful to hear. SO glad she is looking healthy!

    Advice from the Mommy who just had another little one, SLEEP NOW! Use the next 4 weeks to rest up as much as you can in anticipation of her arrival! Hope everything continues on a smooth path!
