Friday, February 24, 2012

Fun etc...

This is kind of a "catch-all" post. New camera plus new website equals a lag time in updating posts in chronological order. But I don't want to leave out any of the fun we've had the past month!

I don't know how many times I've watched this video and cried with laughter. She must get these moves from Daddy. I mean I don't dance like front of her anyway.

New many trash bags are in this box? One, two, three...

We have so much fun on our play dates with Henry and Lacy!

Goodnight Moon

Eloise loves books. LOVES books. She gets giddy when I ask her if she wants to read a book. She points to her room until we get to her bookshelf. Goodnight Moon is her favorite right now. We probably read that book 10 times a day. At least. She likes to turn the pages by herself. She points out the red balloon and the kitties. She also "moos" at the page with the cow jumping over the moon. It is so sweet. Daddy reads to her everyday. Here are some pictures that capture the sweetness...


Here's Eloise in a dress that Mommy wore when she was her age.


Adventures in Atlanta

One of the funnest and sweetest things I've come to know is seeing my child play with her cousins. The children of your sister and best friend. Life has moved us hundreds of miles apart. But when we get together, we have some good times. Here's some footage of the adventures we had last weekend...

Mr. London.
The beautiful Miss Maeve.
Sweet cousins.
Girl time with Grandma.
Eloise's first piggy-back ride.
Wagon ride with Papa.
London giving Eloise a ride on his tricycle. And a hug.
Eloise and Grandma.
Precious Maeve at her baptism.
London taking Eloise for a ride in his sports car. We told him he had to put his arm around her and protect her so she didn't fall out. London proceeded to do so saying "Hey, pretty girl!" So funny. So sweet.

Click here for the video footage of this car ride.

 With the beautiful green grass, I just had to get a photo shoot in of Miss Eloise. London got in on the action, too.

For the record, the only pictures Eloise really smiled in were when London was standing behind me making her laugh.

It's always so hard to say goodbye. Luckily, the fun will continue in a few weeks when they all get to come to Nebraska to celebrate Eloise's first birthday! Were does the time go...

Eloise - 11 Months

We had the pleasure of a sunny, southern day in Atlanta to take pictures of Eloise at 11 months. I've always known how cute she is, but these pictures of her getting bigger, are showing me how absolutely beautiful she is. I love her so.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting Bigger

I thought I'd finally better get Eloise's 10 month photos posted, since in just a couple weeks she'll be 11 months! Time is flying faster and faster. Eloise keeps me busy most of the day. She's crawling all over the place now but really prefers to pull herself up on whatever is close by and cruise around the furniture and walls. And the new walker she got for Christmas is how she knows how to get from here to there really fast!

We play and read and have snuggle-fests. Yeah, I love being able to spend my days with her. It's fascinating how much she learns each day and getting to know her personality. We've been able to spend more time outside with this unseasonably beautiful weather lately. Eloise's Papa brought over a brand new stroller yesterday that we got to take to the park. She is riding in style now!

Eloise with one of her best buddies, Hootie.


Just can't get enough of this paper.
Sitting still for a photo shoot? Get real!

Holding up her sign like a big girl. ;)
Eloise liked the snow more from inside the warm house.

Snow Bunny.

And she's about had enough.
This is the cute face I get to greet every morning.

Big girl feeding herself some delicious lasagna! All gone!
Just could not pass up this view. Adorable.
Too much.
Enjoying another day at the park.

Trying to whistle?
Eloise's new ride!

Let's get movin' already!
 And of course, to add to the fun, here is some video footage of the little Miss.