Friday, July 23, 2010

Don't even say the word 'bacon'!

Progressing through this sixth week, I've experienced many changes. For the first couple weeks I was only getting a little queasy at night, just before bed. Which was pretty easy to tolerate since I could just go to sleep. Monday was the first wave of actual "morning sickness". Eww. I am one of those people who always eats breakfast. My favorite meal of the day. I couldn't even get my favorite Cinnamon Life cereal down.

If you know me pretty well, you know that I am a pretty healthy eater. I try to get all my servings of fruits and veggies in and I drink milk with my supper. That has gone to crap. Everything I crave is not good for me. For example the other night I had the option to eat whatever I wanted. Fast food included. What was my decision? Stopping by Russ's Market on the way home to pick up a box of Velveeta Shells and Cheese and a can of pork n' beans to put on top! I know right! It was so delicious. Justin could barely watch the madness.

We made BLTs the other night. It was our own "market meal" type dinner. We picked up our favorite bacon at Frank's stand at the farmers market and a fresh tomato. The sandwich was delicious. The lingering bacon grease smell in the house? Not so much. Ugh. I had to take the trash out immediately and Clorox the kitchen sink! It wouldn't go away. I had candles and air fresheners going. I could still smell it the next day coming home from work. I couldn't even eat the leftovers the next day. It was awful! There is a small breakfast shop on my walk to work that I have to totally avoid now because of the aroma of bacon. Which is so sad because it always reminded me of waking up to that smell when I stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house on the farm. I hope that will come back someday.

The other thing that is a HUGE change for me, that has really surprised me is my realization of how tired I really must be. Now, if you've ever lived with me for any amount of time, you know that I make my bed every morning. I mean EVERY morning. I can't leave the house without knowing it's been done. Well, I'm ashamed to tell you the past week or more, the bed...has...not...been...made. Gasp!!! I'm just too tired okay? Don't judge me. It was so funny the first day this happened, Justin came to tuck me in bed and he gasped at the fact that the blankets were all messed up. He hugged me and said, "Honey, I'm so proud of you!". See, I'm telling you. This. Is. Not. Normal. This baby is preparing me for what it will be like when he/she arrives. I'll have much more important things to do than make the bed!

One last thing that changed just this morning. I had to pull out my fat jeans. 'Nuff said.

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