Saturday, July 17, 2010

A beautiful sight...

Yesterday I witnessed one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

It didn't take long for them to confirm that baby had reached my uterus and attached successfully!! What a huge answer to prayer this was for us. I was so happy to have Justin by my side to experience our first look at the tiny being inside of me. How delicate the tiny 2 millimeter poppy seed looked. We lucked out to even get to see the tiny flash of the beating heart. The nurse said this was probably the earliest it would have been able to be seen. I stare at the sonograms in complete awe and wonder of what God is creating and I feel so blessed that He has given me the pleasure to help with the job. Justin and I can't keep the smile off our faces. After leaving the doctor's office it seemed even more real to me that this is really happening. I'll admit, I was nervous for the appointment, remembering what my very first ultra sounds were like when the outcome was not a happy one. But God gave me strength and I've been given a new energy to take on these next 8 months. We'll continue to pray for these delicate weeks ahead. Thank you for all of the prayers. You are all truly a huge part of this for us. Prayer is a powerful thing.

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