Monday, June 14, 2010


Impetus - n. definition - the force or energy with which something moves.

My husband says I'm the impetus and I proudly take it as a compliment. I love to organize. Closets, kitchen cabinets, my Outlook inbox. Anything. You name it, I would love to organize it for you. This weekend spurred a spontaneous energy to organize.

We've been wanting to spruce up a random room in our small home that was quickly becoming too cramped for comfort. It housed our computer which is used a lot. Whether it's to sit down together to update the budget, set up the web cam to chat with my nephew, or to kill zombies on a Sunday afternoon (you'll have to ask Justin about that one). Our elliptical machine is also located in the room which soon after buying we realized we'd need to have a TV located directly in front of this machine for any "ellipticising" to be had. Check. But now that we had this nice, new flat screen TV, we thought "why would we ever watch our old tube TV in the living room. We should get a love seat to fit in here so we can watch TV whether we are working out or not. Basically, after a few months, other than having to leave the room to use the bathroom, we could have lived in that small random room. There was barely enough room to even vacuum. (Is that really a downfall??)

Lucky for me, I have a talented sister with a degree in interior design. After discussing my frustration with what the room was turning into, she helped me with a floor plan that would drastically change the purpose and use of the room. She also helped me pick out a new paint color to give it an even more dramatic change and a brand new feel to it. You know what I'm talking about. I highly recommend her opinions and advice and you can check out some of her work or contact her to help you too at Box It Design or visit her Esty Shop - Box It Design.

Needless to say, after painting and rearranging I thought to myself "What the heck, why not take everything out of these two closets and organize them as well!" Let's just say I'm headed to the Goodwill after work to make a trunk full of donations! You can ask Justin, at one point in my organizing frenzy I think I said "This is the happiest day of my life!" Obviously that is so far from the truth, but that was what I felt in that instant. It is so freeing and refreshing to get rid of useless stuff and organize the useful stuff so that it can be just that, useful.

I thanked my husband for supporting me in my "won't sleep till this is finished" attitude I've had the past week getting this done. He in turn thanked me for being "the impetus". I'm happy and completely satisfied with how the room turned out. I hate to admit this, but I was even kinda excited to get up at 5:30 this morning just so I could "ellipticise" in the newly created space. I hope the excitement wears off soon...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on setting up your Blog! Love it. I am glad you are enjoying your new space. I love when I redo a room, or organize something. I have to make 3 or 4 trips for no reason into the space just to admire my work. Organization is such an important element in any design or redesign. You can not enjoy or use your space to its max potential if it is a cluttered mess. Less really is more, and if you can't get past the clutter yourself, please hire someone who can. It will take a huge weight of your shoulders. Erica if anyone can organize anything, it is you! Take it from a big sister who lived with her for the better part of 17 years!
