Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh my heart! Another girl!

So pretty much from day one, I was set that this second baby would for sure be a boy. I had even more terrible "morning" (aka All. Damn. Day.) sickness, terrible skin and just felt terribly different from what I remember with Eloise. I even had my sister do her famous voo-doo magic trick on me at Christmas time and it revealed 'boy'. I'll be honest, I was just slightly disappointed since I had my heart set on having two girls. Now, don't gasp too loudly at that honesty. Boys are great. But something in my heart wanted 'sisters'.

I slowly came around and was excited about going the boy route. Though I didn't buy anything yet, I had a bedroom theme set, a name ready and even sorted through my nephew's clothes to get my stash ready.

For this gender reveal, we did it a little differently. Justin and I had the nurse put "girl" or "boy" in an envelope during our ultrasound appointment so it would be a surprise for everyone! Most importantly, what we did see was one healthy baby. And cute, too.

Really, I wasn't too anxious to find out, because in my mind, we would see blue. We got cupcakes to celebrate and went to the party outlet store and had them secretly fill a big box with either blue or pink balloons that Eloise could open. Again, the picture in my head was blue balloons floating out of that box. Here's what went down...

Those pink balloons floated around our apartment for a few days and each time I thought, "I can't believe they are PINK!" I was so, so excited! Justin was in the same boat. He thought boy as well. I think he's excited to have another little girl to hold, though.

Eloise got the "I'm a Big Sister" book. Now, one of her favorites.

Still thinking blue at this point...


So. Excited!

My girls. 

Let's celebrate!


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