Monday, March 14, 2011


Negative four. That's where we are at in this countdown till baby girl arrives. I'm sorry she's making so many of you wait, but trust me, no one is waiting harder than her daddy and I.

I think these days that go by without her here are depressing me. I'm probably one of the most upbeat, sunny-side, positive-attitude people I know. One who tries to make everyday count and worth something. But I feel like each day and night that passes without any sign of labor starting, I feel like I've wasted a day. I hate that I'm not living life to the fullest at this point because I know something is missing. I'm in "the land between" and am having a hard time understanding what God is trying to teach me through this period of waiting.

I have realized and been thankful for many things at this point. I'm so thankful that our baby girl has made it full term and we have no reason to believe she won't be healthy and perfect. God has given her this time for her heart to get as strong as it can. I'm so thankful that I've remained healthy during this entire pregnancy and for the most part feel great, even being past my due date.

That being said, I really am ready to go. I mean really. Like I said, I don't know why God is having us wait, but I just dread thinking that there's going to be another day without her. I have thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant, but now I'm ready for that reward. Everything is ready and everyone is waiting!

Friday was my last day of work, hoping that she would have come this weekend. Today was my first day of having twelve weeks off! I'm so looking forward to it, but would prefer that most of those days I'd be sharing with my daughter. We'll see what tomorrow brings I suppose. Beware the Ides of March...


  1. I was overdue with both the boys so I understand where you are at right now and I believe that it is totally normal (or at least that is what I kept telling myself). I did end up being induced with both boys. Is that something that is on your radar? It helped me once a date had been set. ie If the baby is not here by such and such a date we will induce. So I knew an end (and a very exciting beginning) was coming soon rather than playing the waiting game when it got to that point. Best of luck.
    Your cuz
    Becky "Donner" Rahm

  2. Thanks so much for your advice Becky. I know that induction is a choice, I was hoping not to have to, but I am trying to decide "okay, when is the last possible day I would wait?" I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for Wednesday morning, so we'll see what doc has to say. How did your inductions go? I have heard both good and bad scenarios...

  3. Erica...ugh I can't even imagine. I am so sorry you are having to wait even longer than your due date to meet this precious girl! But, that being said, I am a bit biased but I do believe that March 16 is a wonderful day to have a birthday. Maybe she and I will share it. :)

  4. I was just reading the above - and I certainly don't want to get all snoopy into your birth plan, but I do want to just say that I had to have some pitocin with Adah - I wasn't induced but my contractions weren't often and strong enough to help me progress, so they gave me a small bit of pitocin. I was really upset/worried at first but I was still able to have no other drugs/pain meds etc. even with the intensity upped. So, just a tiny little voice about my experience. :)

  5. Erica - I can so relate to that eagerness. Ethan was 10 days overdue, Justus was 3 and Esther was 12. God has chosen this baby's birthday. He has it all in his hands. Just rest. Really, you'll need it later.

  6. My first was only 2 days overdue, but as it turned out he arrived ON my Bday, so it felt SO worth it!

    My second was one day early. Although I started labor naturally it stopped and as I had already been admitted into L&D they started pit to keep things moving along. It kinda turned into an induction from there. It led to a much longer labor, but everything turned out well. I will say that labor was over 40 hours, so I don't think I would have had the strength to go without an Epi that long! In the end even with both morphine & and Epi, my son was born healthy & had no bring issues.

    Although it's easy for me to say when I'm not the one currently waiting, my advice is to keep BUSY. When you are not busy it's so easy to obsess about when it will happen, but it's much like waiting for water to boil, sitting & watching it just makes the time go slower.

    Good luck! Hope she comes soon!
