Saturday, January 8, 2011

Showered With Blessings

Ok. Less than 9 weeks to go! Baby girl is growing more everyday it seems and I think she's going to be a dancer or gymnast. She sure moves around a lot in there!

I had a fabulous 10 days off work and spent the entire vacation at my parents' house. It was wonderful. My sisters, brother and brother in-law as well as my nephew London, all made it home for Christmas, so we had a nice time hanging out and reconnecting. London kept us busy and laughing almost non-stop. Our daughter has no idea what she has in store with that cousin of hers. I'm so looking forward to future Christmas's to spend with more children around Grandma and Grandpa's house. London kept asking me, "Erica, what time is the baby coming out?" It was the sweetest thing. Before he'd go off for his nap or to bed for the night, he'd say goodnight to everyone, including the baby. He's a real sweetheart.

My sisters threw my first baby shower for me after the first of the year. What a blast! It was so wonderful to see my family and friends that I'm not able to see as often as I'd like. And they sure blessed me with some wonderful (need I say, absolutely adorable) things. It's becoming more and more real to me as I start doing laundry and hanging up the onsies and sleepers to dry. Oh my they are cute.

Beautiful baby quilt made by my mom. It is soo soft!

I've been having so much fun putting everything in it's place. I'm so excited to welcome her to her new home! Speaking of which, stay tuned to the next blog post. We'll have a guest post from 'Baby Daddy' who shows us what he's been up to these days.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures. Love the one of you and London:) we had such a wonderful time with all of you!! Absolutley cant wait to meet my niece!
