Sunday, November 6, 2011

Home Videos

Eloise has been doing a lot of new things lately. Waving "hi", standing up, eating new foods and most everything comes with lots of giggles. Here are some of our latest adventures...

Eloise loves playing with (and pulling!) my hair and I love to tickle her with it!

Here Eloise finally figures out what you are supposed to do in a Johnny Jumper!

It's quick, but here Eloise waves "hi" and shows off her new trick of standing up next to the couch all by herself.

Here Eloise tastes Chipotle for the first time. With her reaction, Justin and I decided she really is ours. ; )

And here Eloise tries yogurt for the first time. (I think she'd rather have Chipotle.)

Oh the fun this family is having with our growing girl. She is the love of our life!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh..we laughed so hard! What a ham! her!

