And another month rolls by. This baby, I tell you what. Mirabel, you are such a ray of sunshine. Your big, beautiful smile steals my heart every time. You are a crawling fool these days, keeping us all busy trying to keep you out of trouble. You are much more curious than I remember your sister being, though she didn't have stairs tempting her when she was your age. When I put you down, you race over to climb them! You have six teeth now and you continue to be quite the little eater. The only thing we've put in front of you that you haven't cared much for is stir fry (I'm thinking you're not crazy about soy sauce). You're starting to learn some words, most of which start with "B". It's absolutely adorable when you see your cousin Charlotte's photo on the wall and you get a big smile on your face and say, "bay-beeeee". You say "ba" for ball, "bu-bu" for bubbles, and "buh" for balloon. I just love this stage!
We are so thankful for the spring weather. You seem to be quite the water baby already, loving to splash in the water table and sprinkler with Eloise and your buddy, Greyson. What a fun summer we are sure to have. I love you, Bug-a-boo. Kisses.
I tried out a little photo editing on these. Kinda fun! |
Grandma got the best smile out of her. |
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