Monday, March 17, 2014

Eloise - 3 years old

Oh my, oh my. My first born is 3 years old today. My joy has overflowed with you in my life. You, my sugar plum, are the most fantastic little person around. You are so smart. You are so beautiful. You are so filled with love and joy for this world and the people who surround you.

There are moments you drive me crazy. But only because I love and care about you so much and because I want what is best for you. But I have to remind myself in those moments that you are only three. With your intelligence, sometimes I forget that you are just three. Just three? You have so much awesomeness rolled up into those three years. Let me tell you about some...

You love to talk. About anything. You ask questions to learn more and more and it is a joy for me to see you grow in your knowledge and understanding of things.

You love to play pretend. Anything, anywhere can become a place or person of make-believe for you. In any one day, you will pretend to be 20 different people and you assign me a role to play with you. Many times I forget who is who, but in your place of make-believe, you know exactly what is going on.

You hit the ground running. No easing out of bed, dragging your feet for the day. I can only picture your eyes popping open and immediately you what to come check on Mom and Dad and ask if you can have breakfast. I'm sure we'll miss those early morning wake-up calls one day...

You love music. Love it. Mumford has been your favorite for some time now. Rain for Roots is always a go to, and on sunny days where we can roll the windows down in the car, we like to listen to Fun. You make up songs, sing them out loud and expect an applause after you've finished. With this and your love of dressing up in costumes, we can only imagine that you'll be on stage one day.

You love your baby sister (and she love you). She gets your biggest smile of the morning (and she gives you hers right back). Dare I say, as annoying as it is when you distract her when Mommy is trying to feed her, I just get a kick out of how you two play and crack each other up! I love that you ask for her kisses and hugs before she goes down to bed. And you always remember to tell her you love her. A couple times I've come in the room with you two girls playing and I've seen you with your arm around her telling her you love her and that she is "sooooo sweeeeet!" You two just steal my heart.

You make me so proud. In so many ways you make me proud. I know it's something I tell you often. One of the biggest achievements you've made this year is overcoming your fear of the swimming pool. I don't know what caused you to be so nervous about it, but the first two lessons you screamed. The next three or four you cried at some point. Today was your ninth lesson and you were a star. Smiling, splashing, holding hands with your newest friends. Face in the water, kicking your feet. Every now and then looking over at me watching you and you had the biggest smile. You are a strong little lady and I'm so proud you stuck with it, even when you probably were mad at me for dragging you in.

I'm so incredibly thankful that God choose me to be your mommy. I love you, Eloise Margaret.

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