Monday, December 30, 2013

Mirabel - 6 Months

Didn't I just write about how Mirabel was 5 months? What is happening? Bah! Well, what can I say. Mirabel, you continue to be a terrible sleeper. Trust me, we will be working on that over the next few weeks...
But we just can't get enough of you! You have the biggest smile (with two little teeth showing now)! You can really carry on a conversation if you are in the mood. You really could care less about "real" food. We've tried several different foods and you really aren't into any of them. Carrots are probably your favorite, but even then, I think you'd rather just have your mama's milk. You are sitting up really well, I still keep pillows around you but for the most part you do a good job. Your poor cheeks are always chapped for as much as you drool. You love tugging on your daddy's beard. You love talking with Eloise and you just love it when she is around. It's not a lot, but you still have more hair than Eloise when she turned one, so I'm crossing my fingers we should be able to get a barrette in there for your first birthday. We love you, Baby Doll.

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