Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The pictures say it all...

We've been busy the past couple weeks! Take a look at what we've been up to!

Hangin' on the patio with Gramps.

Daddy and his girl.

Couldn't resist taking a picture of this cute outfit.

Birthday lunch with Grandpa Al. She was eying his beer...she is her father's daughter.

Her fists are her food of choice these days.


Chattin' with Grammy.

More Bumbo!

What are you looking at?

Chatting with Grandma.

Eloise went to her first wedding a couple weekends ago. She had so much fun! She actually started a rave. ; )

Morning cuddles with Grandma.
Eloise meeting my Godmother, Maryke, for the first time. Love.

Eloise's first hibachi experience. She feel asleep in the middle of it.

Papa Allen made Eloise laugh!

Swinging on the front porch with Grandma.

Telling Uncle Mitch a thing or two about being a baby.

Hanging out with cousin Sandra.

They don't look related at all, do they? ; )

Daddy and Eloise having a date watching the Women's US Soccer team in the World Cup. USA! USA!

First time at the farmer's market. Eloise loved all the things to look at!

Happy Independence Day! We learned very quickly that Eloise was not a fan of the loud, screaming fireworks. (And Mommy was not a fan of trying to keep her asleep for the night.)

Not impressed. (But oh so cute in her stars and stripes!)

Ok, maybe a little impressed.

Happy Mommy with her happy baby.

Eloise loves to be outside.

Nice bib!

Eloise's cousin London came all the way from Atlanta to see her. Eloise LOVED watching him and playing with him. London got some good practice in for his baby sister who is arriving in September.

Grandma and Eloise watching London set off his fireworks.

London liked to take pictures of Eloise.

Story time with Grandma. London always wanted to hold and "pet" Eloise. She loved it.

Sweet cousins. : )

Lounging in their pjs with Grandma. The best kind of snuggling. 

Eloise rolled from her tummy to her back a couple weeks ago. I got it on camera, but needless to say, it was right after her bath, and I'm sure several years from now, she'll thank me for not making it public. She is jabbering like crazy. She has this new scream that she likes to talk in. Sometimes it's hard to know if she's just talking or if she's getting mad. : )

She is growing like a weed. Almost 14 pounds now! Crazy that she started out at less than half that when she came into this world.

Our little family is doing wonderfully. We continue to thank God for our beautiful, healthy baby girl, and for the awesome experiences we've had so far being parents. We wouldn't trade it for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a wonderful post... wish I could reach right through this screen and give Eloise a big ((hug)) she is sooo cute! And now London is not to be left out...who wouldn't love to read and snuggle with him?? smile...

    xoxo Gert
