Monday, March 7, 2011

Patience Over Pineapple

So I've reached another point of my life where I'm learning (unsuccessfully) the art of patience. I hate that I haven't even reached my official due date yet and for some reason I expected her to be here already. I'll admit that the past week or so I've become more and more uncomfortable so that seems to help with me being ready for the pregnancy part of this journey to be over with.

I've been reading different articles of self-inducing tips and I'll admit, I've tried a couple already. Today I read a new one - eating fresh pineapple to induce contractions. Hmmm. Sounds easy (and delicious). Why not give it a try? I headed a different way home from work so I could swing by the grocery store. But before I got there, I thought to myself, "Wow, Erica. Really? You think pineapple is going to solve this "problem" of yours wanting your baby to come now!?" How selfish and impatient I've been. Once again I find myself praying to God what I want and what I want NOW! It's so easy to pray for what we want rather than praying that God would teach us and mold us through whatever situation we find ourselves in.

I remember learning patience waiting for when I could take a pregnancy test. And learning more when the tests were negative. Not to mention the entire length of pregnancy you ultimately are waiting to bring your child into the world. This won't be the last time in my life that patience is learned.

I turned around before I got to the grocery store. Realizing that if it is God's time for baby girl to come today, He'll make that happen. And He doesn't need pineapple to help Him achieve this.

It doesn't change the fact that I really am so incredibly excited for this to happen. And God knows that. But God also knows when and why and I trust Him.

Well, we'll see if this babe will be born on her Auntie's birthday tomorrow (the 8th). I'll welcome it! And if not, well there's always the 9th... ; )

1 comment:

  1. Oh Erica...I know what you mean about being impatient for that little girl to join your and in But I have learnt she will come when she is ready.. I'm like you..God knows when 'she' is ready to come into this world and apparently 'she' isn't quite ready just yet. I pray that 'she' will soon be ready..sigh...and you will hold her in your awaiting arms..

    xoxo Gert
