Sunday, February 27, 2011

And the countdown continues...

I'm hoping that one of these next blogs will be the one that introduces our daughter to you all! 11 days and counting and man am I ready! I mean, I can't get any bigger right?

Our to-do lists are complete. Bags are packed. Now we're just playing the waiting game.

I've had a different mindset these past days. Waking up each morning now thinking, "Will today be the day?" The expiration date on the milk is past my due date. So many things I do, I think, "Hmm, the next time I do this, will I be a mom?" When I make dinner plans for later in the week, I wonder, "Will I be able to keep them?" I'm just so anxious and excited for what could happen any day now.

The nursery is ready to go! Just have a couple pieces of art to hang up. And then fill that crib with a baby! I love stopping by and looking in, giddy about bringing our little girl home.

I'll keep you posted! : )

Monday, February 21, 2011

Baby Moves

Here is some fun video of Baby Girl moving around (I like to think she was dancing) in my belly while we were watching the Grammys last weekend. Also, we are totally loving our new Flip video recorder (thanks Aunt Cheryl!!)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Highly Recommended: Part 1

I've been wanting to write a post for a while now on different things I've learned and would recommend (or not recommend) to any pregnant woman out there. Here's what I've come up with...

Start a blog, write in a journal. Write somewhere about different things you are experiencing and thinking about during this time. You don't have to share it with anyone if you don't want to (though other women do appreciate your thoughts. You may find someone going through the same things you are). You (and your child) will appreciate looking back at those thoughts someday.

Drink up.
Water that is. I don't know if it's just me, but for the most part it has been the only beverage that sounds and tastes really good. I probably drink on average 4 - 32oz containers of it a day! But I did read that drinking lots of water helps keep swelling to a minimum and can be helpful in preventing stretch marks. I will attest to both of those. So far (3 and a half weeks to go) I haven't had any problems with swelling and have had no stretch marks.

Lotion up.
I highly recommend this if you are pregnant through the winter. Gold Bond Ultimate saved my skin! And get your husband to rub it on your back for you. (Maybe it's also helped to prevent stretch marks...who knows, maybe I just have good genes...)

Belly bands.
I found these to be great during early pregnancy (and will report on their usefulness post pregnancy) to keep you in your pre-maternity clothes longer. I loved these I found on Etsy.

Great bras.
Don't skimp on these. I hate dropping $40 for a good bra just like the rest of you, but you NEED good, make that GREAT support. I wish I would have found this bra earlier on in my pregnancy. Though it is a nursing bra, it is so comfortable and I would have saved money with not having to buy regular bras as my, lets say "figure", expanded. 

I am soooo glad these came back in style. Even if they go out, ladies, they are the best!

Though there were times throughout my pregnancy (first trimester morning sickness and now "I'm in my 9th month of pregnancy now folks, working out just probably isn't going to happen" stage) I absolutely LOVED this workout DVD

Body pillow.
So necessary. They have some fancy pregnancy ones that I'm sure are great. I just have a regular long one. Your husband may get jealous, but there is no way I'd make it through the night (especially now!) without wrapping my legs around that thing. registry.
So Amazon already has an amazing assortment of pretty much any product you can think of (and at great prices) but they've also added this fancy shmancy "Add to Registry" button that allows you to add an item to your registry from ANY website you might be browsing. It's called their Universal Registry and it rocks! "Oh look how cute those handmade booties are on Etsy! How could I let Grandma know I'd love to have these for the baby?" Enter: magic "Add to Registry" button. Done. Oh and I also just signed up for Amazon 2 day shipping on any products for up to a year (or more).

At this point in my pregnancy they have been my dessert every evening. Heartburn conquered! 

Get out.
1) Garage sales. They are goldmines for finding great used baby gear and clothing as well as maternity clothes.
2) Neat Repeatz is an amazing resource we have in Lincoln. So much inventory of used maternity clothes, baby and children clothing, and every piece of baby gear and nursery decor you can think of. Tons of fun, too! They have this particular sale twice a year. The spring sale is coming up April 7-10. I will be there!
3) CircleME is another great local boutique and education resource we have right here in Lincoln. They have FREE classes on cloth diapering and baby wearing to name a couple. So even if you aren't sold on either of these concepts, you can go check out what they have to say for free. They also hold a "Re-Diaper Sale" several times throughout the year where local vendors of baby products as well as moms selling used baby items set up shop for you to get some great deals!
4) MilkWorks has been another great resource here in Lincoln (and I haven't even started breast feeding yet). They also offer a variety of classes not only on breast feeding but cloth diapering and baby wearing. You can purchase a "class pass" for $40.00 that gets you into any of the classes you'd like! There are plenty more I'm looking forward to going to after baby arrives including making your own baby food! Not to mention, their boutique, BabyWorks has some of the cutest and unique items for you and your baby. And MilkWorks is a non-profit so when you purchase items at their store, you are helping out a great organization that's been helping breast feeding women and their families for 10 years!

I know there are things I'm forgetting...I'll be sure to add them as I remember them. Any of you moms out there want to add any of your recommendations in the comments section please feel free! I have plenty of pregnant friends and family members right now that would love to hear what you have to say. Also, look forward to part two of this post, I hope to write about my recommendations during labor and the days following. 21 days to go!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The doctor's appointment today with the cardiologist went great!!! She said the slight skips that were occurring were actually quite common and that the majority of the time will clear up 1 or 2 weeks after birth.

We were so thankful and relieved to hear that from a specialist. She was not concerned at all. She said everything looks great actually. It was amazing to hear that heart beat so hard and loud. Sometimes I still can't believe she's right here, inside my belly. Not for long though! Four weeks and counting! I don't know how many times a day Justin and I just look at each other with amazement, excitement and surprise. Everything we do from here on are the last minute things to get ready for her arrival.

Cloth diapers are in the wash as we speak to be ready to go for when she gets here! Have I mentioned how stinkin' cute they are?!

Thank you for all of the prayers this past week. It is so helpful to hear the kind words and advice from you. I appreciate you all for reading my blog and stepping into such an exciting part of our world.

Well, back to the laundry for now...

Friday, February 4, 2011

A tiny, precious heart...

...that I again am reminded is in God's hands.

We had our usual appointment yesterday to measure my ever growing belly and listen to our precious baby's heartbeat. This time it was different. Normally it's in and out and see you next time.This time the doctor noticed something different with the heartbeat. Though strong and at a good rate, it seemed to be skipping a beat ever so often. He wanted to get a better analysis of it so he had me hooked up to the fetal monitor for a half hour or so to get a good reading. Sure enough, as Justin and I sat their listening to the life inside me, we noticed it too.

The nurse assured us that she was not worried, that she would tell us if she were and that in other words, she wouldn't be losing sleep at night over this. She didn't want us to be worried either. Dr. Swanson was so great as well, explaining that this is something they do see. Sometimes it's something, sometimes nothing. They just wanted to be proactive and check on things now. We had an ultrasound to check the anatomy, and again everything still looks great. The heart is the right size, in the right place and there is no fluid. This is all good. (Though I didn't like the circumstances it was under, it was fun to get to see her again. Justin said she has my lips.) The only thing they want to look further into is the arrhythmia. We have an appointment on Wednesday to see a pediatric cardiologist, which sounds so serious. I wish it didn't. I know that is where we'll find the best answers though.

My doctor said a lot of times the arrhythmia will have fixed itself by the time of the cardiologist appointment. Sometimes during this rapid time of growth, the nerves connected to the heart aren't quite caught up. He said sometimes they'll also see it fix itself soon after delivery. He continued to reassure us that he is not worried and that we shouldn't be either.

So that's the low down. I my mind I tell myself I'm not worried, but I hate to say, I think I'm realizing that is a lie. I've never been much of  a worrier. I've developed an amazing trust in God to take away any worries I've had up until this point in my life. I'm starting to see how when it's your own child, precious baby at that, it's harder to not worry. I do trust God. This is reminding me that every day is a blessing. Every day is in His hands. I pray that I would be able to give this completely over to Him. That whatever happens, He has His hand on all of it.

That being said, will you say a prayer, too? That this precious, tiny, beautiful heart will get better. That over this week, God will continue to show us how big He is. That at next weeks appointment they will send us away with amazing news.

The countdown till her arrival continues. 34 days to go. I think this new discovery is making me want her here with us even more. I want to hold her, tell her how much I love her. Know that she's okay, right in my arms and that I'd do anything for her.