Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bumps and Deals

Sorry it's been so long friends. I've had a busy couple weeks at work and September (half over already?) has been a busy month. But here I am. 15 weeks pregnant at that! Time is flying by and baby is growing (he/she better be anyway, my tummy sure is making room I'll tell ya that right now). What do you think?

I seriously can't believe how quickly the weeks are going by now. Six months from now I'm going to be holding our precious baby in my arms. I really can't believe it. I'm looking forward to my doctors appointment next week; I've been waiting to get to hear that awesome heartbeat again. I'm slowing getting anxious to be able to find out if it's a bouncing baby boy or precious baby girl growing in my belly. Many predictions are girl; Justin and I both have had dreams that it's a girl. Grandmas all say girl. In my head it's been a girl, but I've been trying to not let that get to me. Names continue to be discussed. We'll see in about seven more weeks. What a fun and exciting process!

I continue to feel better as well. I've been back to my old self in getting the house cleaned on the weekends (again, my perfect way to de-stress). Though I burned most my energy doing it, I had a chance to get some yard work done that was way over due. (Pray that all my hostas make it through the transplant!)

I was driving in an area of Lincoln the other evening that I'm never in and came by a garage sale with tons of baby stuff on the lawn. I have this dream that all of my baby gear and cloths will be used and bought (or given to me) at bargain prices. Now this is my personal opinion, wait, I don't need to defend myself, this is my blog! I'm going to go ahead and say that I think the majority of baby gear and clothes you find in the name brand stores are a huge waste of money. I mean you walk the halls and scroll the websites and see the ridiculously cute onesies and oooo and ahhh over the latest gadget that you can buy that you being a new mom just can't live without. Well folks, I'm up for the challenge. Don't get me wrong, I think they have made gigantic headway in what we know about babies and mothers these days compared to generations ago, but if you ask me, I think I turned out pretty good, and my mom, she turned out pretty fantastic as well. And you wonder not only how did my  mom do it, but how did my grandma do it? So back to my garage sale shopping...I found a what looked like a brand new pack and play (that had all the fancy gadgets even) for over $100 less than what it would of cost in the store. I mean, come on? (Charley would be proud don't you think, Margie?)

So I'm on a mission. I'm not sure where it will take me, but I'm excited to see how far I can get and how much money I can save. I'm excited to have a living, breathing, crying, pooping, baby to love and hold and hug and smell. I could care less about the $200 stroller that could walk itself and change your child's diapers for you.


  1. How did I miss this? I am SUPER excited for you guys!!!! Yeah for baby Klemsz :)

  2. ohh, Erica, i am so extremely happy for you both,it is the most amazing feeling to hold that precious baby in your arms after you give birth, i should know i've done it 4 times, haha,

    anyways, the 9 months of stress & your growing tummy, and the shopping, ohhh the shopping, it is sooo much fun to find the unique items that you want your child to wear or imagine them wearing before they are born, it's a rush i still get when i walk into old navy and find an awesome deal , or i stop at a garage sale, and you find the perfect items for a cheap ass price! it's wonderful! heeehee...

    i know it's been a long road for you both, and i'm sure your anxious as heck to meet your new little one! it's the best thing in the world, the most fulfilling experience i've ever had, and the one's that i cherrish the most... you will enjoy every part of it, even the not so great moments, like when you are under the weather, but trust me, it's all sooooo worth it when it's over!

    you guys are in my thoughts & wish you the best forever & ever, congratulations, luv ya~ Chanda lynn

  3. Yay yay yay!!! I wondered when you were going to the Wiles for lunch. How exciting. I know from your love for London this baby is going to be oh so loved. I bet the baby will have curly hair! :)
