So my blogging has pretty much gone by the wayside. I have hundreds of photos taken since Mirabel was born that have yet to be put somewhere. Thousands of thoughts and emotions I'd love to spew out on a page but just can't find the time let alone the energy. This morning I'm sipping coffee, rocking on our front porch with Mirabel is snoozing in her bouncy seat. The only reason I'm able write this morning is because Eloise had a sleepover at her Gran's house. (God bless those grandmas a hundred times over!)
So this is life with two kiddos, huh? I am so, so blessed. Praise God from whom these blessings flow. But, wow. Life is cuh-razy! Having a second child doesn't just double the workload. I think it quadruples it, why is that? I have a little less than 5 weeks left off of work and feel I still haven't gotten into a "routine", if that is even possible. Mirabel will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. And I do feel like it's been 7 weeks. I can't say this time that, "time is going so fast!" But I am enjoying most parts about being a Mommy to Eloise and Mirabel. With a few rough weeks, Eloise has for the most part adjusted to life in a new house with a new sibling among her. Now that Mirabel is sharing smiles and reaching out for things, Eloise has been expressing her affection for her much more. Giving her kisses, telling her she loves her and my favorite is what Eloise calls "softing her" where she rubs her cheek on Mirabel's soft head. Adorbs.
So the next posts are just a hodge-podge of pictures over the past several weeks to get us somewhat caught up. Enjoy :)
Eloise loves looking at Mirabel's tiny fingers and toes. "Oh, look at her tiny hands! They so cute!" she'll say. |
Eloise helping Daddy feed Mirabel her first bottle. |
Grandpa Al meeting Mirabel. |
Family picnic at the park. We've had some awesome "summer" weather here! |
As if she doesn't seem grown up enough to me having a newborn around, Eloise loves to go on the big, twisty slide now! |
Fantastic static hair. |
Spotted a huge bee on our trip to the Sunken Gardens. |
Eloise the Engineer. All aboard! |
Mommy and Eloise fun time at the pool! |
Sleeping the day away. |
A beauty. |
In love with her lips. |