Mirabel Olive Klemsz arrived on June 27, 2013 at 8:24pm. She weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces (the exact weight as her sister did, by the way) and was 20 inches long. A beautiful, healthy baby girl with dark hair and dark eyes. If you ask me, she does resemble her big sister, but I think she has her own look. Two beautiful and healthy daughters we've been blessed with.
Again, we chose to induce labor with Mirabel. Her due date was the 22nd and as each additional day passed, I figured we'd be doing what we had to do with Eloise and coax her out. Everything went very smoothly. Slow start but then labor moved into high gear. I didn't have to work nearly as hard with Mirabel and with just one contraction to push through, she was in my arms! Pure joy. So many things rush through your mind at that final second. Will she be healthy? Will she nurse well? What will she look like? Everything panned out well. She is perfect. Completely in love with her.
So far, life is treating us well. We were able to get settled in our new home before her arrival. Daddy has some time off of work and Grandma was able to stay with us while we got settled. A couple rough nights (can you say cluster feeding?) followed by a couple really good nights and I'm actually feeling refreshed. (Though many times I think, "What am I going to do when Justin goes back to work?!")
The first couple of times Eloise met Mirabel, she was a bit timid. A real, tiny, wiggly baby. She, being the sensitive one that she is, would get concerned when she'd hear Mirabel cry and tears for Eloise would usually follow. As we got settled back home, things have been going smoother. We've overheard Eloise call her baby sister "Honey" and "Sweetie". She loves to rub her soft head and "Awwwwww" has become a new word in her vocabulary. I wonder where she's getting that from? I'm so excited to see these two grow up together. Though I get exhausted even thinking about it. Life really is good. So many grandmas, grandpas, friends and family helping and supporting us. I can't even imagine this experience without an amazing daddy and husband. It's fun doing life with you, my dear.
So enough chit chat, here are some pictures of our newest addition. She is a keeper.