Saturday, January 19, 2013

Times Two

It doesn't seem that long ago that I found myself writing often. Much more often than I find myself now. Not long ago I was dreaming of what it would be like to be a mom and how wonderful it would be to hold my tiny baby girl in my arms. I'm glad I've gotten in a better habit of taking pictures and capturing the moments that fill my life now, but I miss siting in the quietness. Letting my thoughts find their way to the page. My tiny baby girl will be 2 in less than two months. How can that be? So much change and transition happens in a short two years I can't keep up sometimes it seems. Tiny diapers I used to change throughout the day are now stored away. My baby girl has her very own bed now. Before I go to bed each night, I sneak in to take a peak at her sleeping face. She looks so huge.

Big girl bed.
An absolutely amazing January day to play at the park.

 And soon, another tiny baby will join our family. To think, this will all get to happen again. In different ways, sure. But again, I will write how quickly time goes by and how much I love to see them grow but wish I could push pause every once in a while. I do love to be reminded. Already almost to the half-way mark of my pregnancy, I'm reminded what a blessing I've been given to not only become pregnant, but to continue to have a healthy baby growing each day inside of me. There is probably no greater way to see God's awesome creativity than in pictures of the growing person inside of you.

Six weeks. With a previous experience, we were so grateful to see that the baby made it to the right spot!
Ten weeks.

We've talked a little with Eloise about the new baby in Mommy's belly. She will give it kisses and say "I love you baby." She's been more playful with her own babies lately, feeding them milk, changing diapers, sharing her cheerios... I know at this point, though, she has no idea what is soon going to happen. I'm torn, to be honest. Of course I'm excited to have a little baby around again. I'm excited for that newborn smell, I'm excited to nurse again, I'm so excited to see Eloise become a big sister. But part of me is also going to miss just being "me and Eloise." I love that girl to death. And I know that I will love her brother or sister to death. I guess it's going to be a trade off. Those wonderful moments I've shared and get to share with Eloise will now be doubled. Holy cow. Two kiddos. My heart leaps as I take a deep breath...

Christmas Time

Oh, the presents!

Rock star.
Little drummer girl.
Gramps' turn to jam.

Opening presents on Christmas morning.
The sweet girls and their new headbands.

New books!
Miss Maeve.
Getting the low down from Grandma and Papa.

The Shirleys.

'Snow' Much Fun!