Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter. Everyday.

Easter is such a joyous time of celebration. Good Friday is always an important day for me to remember the huge burden Christ endured for me to be made new. Many days I don't remember to give thanks to Him for this, when I should. But the story of the Passion is a powerful reminder of His love and forgiveness. I'm thankful that He's chosen me to be His.

Justin proposed an idea recently that I hadn't really thought of before. But I liked it and hope to be able to change my thinking. On Easter, we celebrate Jesus rising from the grave. Conquering death. Our sin washed away, once and for all time. This is HUGE, people! So, Justin posed the question, Why can't every day be Easter? So, that's going to be my way of thinking. Jesus IS risen! Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Hallelujah!

Our family enjoyed a beautiful day to celebrate together. Eloise had her first egg hunt. I snapped a photo. Or two...

We also got up close to PaPa's other Squirrelly Girl.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blowing Bubbles

Enjoying a beautiful evening outside blowing bubbles.

One thing I'm discovering more and more as Eloise continues to blossom, is remembering some of the little things I did as a kid and now getting to experience them with her. I mean, no one is too old to play with bubbles. I'd just forgotten how much fun they are! And baby dolls. I mean, now I have a baby of my own, but to see Eloise play "Mommy" with the baby doll I played with as a child is completely amazing. And adorable.