March 17, 2011 |
No time has flown faster than this first year of our first-born’s life. Wow. Eloise, you are quite something. I can somewhat remember those long, first days of your life. But sometimes, I want to
feel them again. I love the little spark you are turing into, but some days I want to hold you as the 6 pound, 13 ounce babe that you once were. Now, at 20 pounds, you have amazingly transformed into a little person.
March 17, 2012
Not quite walking, but always wanting to be on your feet. Heading somewhere, holding on to anything that can guide you. There is almost always dancing involved in you getting from point A to point B, C and D. You know exactly what to do when we ask you to “shake it.”
You are a blabber mouth. We will enjoy this while complete words and phrases aren’t yet coming out of your mouth. It’s funny now, but...
You know what a cow says. “Mooooo,” says Eloise.
You like to point out the eyes on faces. Yes, even on your baby cousin, Maeve’s. “Gentle, Eloise. Gentle.”
You like to brush your own hair. So pretty.
Daddy helped teach you what sound an elephant makes. (Sorry, I can’t spell that one out.)
You call both “Mama” and “Dada” by name now! (Heart-melter: when Eloise wakes up and all you can hear over the monitor is “Mama, Mama,” in the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard. Even if it’s an hour before she really should be up.)
You would stop anything, anywhere to read a book. You love them. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is either point to your bookshelf, or say good morning to Hootie the owl. “Hooooo, hooooo,” we’ll hear you say over the monitor.
You have found your belly button!
You love to have your shoes put on. I think you’ve made the connection that when shoes go on, you go outside! You would live outside if you could.
You understand what “No” means. You will find something you are not supposed to have and go to it while shaking your head and repeating “No, no, no, no, no, no.” So you get it, but you don’t get it.
You also know when to tell us when you do not want something. We discovered this when we laid you down on the doctor’s table for the nurse to give you your shots. Tears streaming, head shaking, Eloise saying, “No, no, no, no, no, no!” (Maybe one of the saddest Mommy moments thus far.)
You have a great affection for Mr. Zebra. You cuddle and kiss him more than Mommy and Daddy. But he helps you sleep, so we love him for it!
You also have developed an affection for your baby doll. (The one that used to be Mommy’s when she was a small girl) I’ve found you, more than once, place her on the rocking chair and “rock-a-bye” her. So stinkin’ sweet.
You love food. To name a few favorites: Green beans probably top the list. Pizza. Yogurt. Cheese. Apple cinnamon oatmeal. Mac and cheese (from Panera especially). Sweet potatos. Squash. Blueberries. Guacamole (from Chipotle, well, anything from Chipotle for that matter). Banana (you can call that snack by name, “nanya,” says Eloise). And new just today, cottage cheese.
You love your family. So many grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles and cousins to share the love. We are blessed beyond words.
My darling, Eloise. Sassafras, Little Lady, Little Miss, Elo-sneeze, Babydoll, Cheeseball. To name a few, you, my daughter, have brought so much joy to us. As tired as I can be some days, I'm always thankful that it is you that I get to spend my days with. I love you so much. I'm so proud to be your Mama. And I look forward to the days ahead. I will forever cherish this time with you, my dear.