Monday, September 19, 2011

Sweet Potatoes! Where have you been all my life?

I just can't believe it. Almost 10 whole pounds later, my baby is becoming her own little person. And let me tell you, she is a silly one. Saturday, Eloise turned six whole months old and our lives couldn't be funner! She is a babbling, screeching, laughing, bundle of great joy. She is hard to keep bundled up and cuddled in your arms. She's all over the place when it comes to changing that diaper. She's sitting up all by herself and loves this new way to see her world. She loves spending time with all of her grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles. She loves playtime with her other baby friends. She still loves her nursing time with her mama (which has gotten interesting to say the least now that she has two teeth!). She's a morning person. Up by 7:00am in all smiles. She loves strolling outside with anyone who will take her. She loves splashing in the bath tub. She's loving her food, the latest adventure we've embarked on. Her mommy loves spending the morning and day with her and her daddy loves his time to play in the afternoons. She is one. loved. little. girl. We are a busy, messy, happy little family and we wouldn't change a thing!

A couple weeks ago, thanks to a surprise visit from Grandma, I got a ton of fresh foods steamed, pureed, and frozen ready to be introduced to Miss Eloise. I had a blast thanks to the awesomeness that is the Bebea BabyCook from Williams-Sonoma. We got this as a very generous gift, and I loved using it!

Beautiful fruits and veggies "before" photo.

I started simple by just freezing portions of natural applesauce.

So simple and an easy way to save some money.

The BabyCook easily steamed these frozen green beans and then are pureed right in the same container!
I tried to distract Eloise with lots of toys while I made her food. She wasn't buying it. She wanted a taste!

Delicious, fresh peaches!

The smell was amazing!
I was so proud of my nice and neatly cut avocados.


She really wanted a taste!
Beautiful peas!
Sweet potatoes, apples, green beans, mangoes, peas, pears, peaches, avocado, bananas, carrots. Fantastic!
Watching the Huskers at Great-grandma Margie's.

Go Big Red!
A happy Lil' Red.
Helping Grammy open her birthday present.

Playing with Gramps at the campground.

Petting, er uh, pulling Remi's fur.

A long story, but had to get a picture with Skelly.

I love my Grammy.
Well hello, cuteness!

Eloise has this new thing where she crinkles her nose when she laughs. It's super cute.

Monthly play-date with my buddy, Henry. (They've moved on to playing footsie with each other.)
Stealing Uncle Mitchell's heart.

Like a big teddy bear.

Slobbering on Grandma.

Grandma got Eloise her own purse. Watch out!
Eloise got to eat her first food in the same high chair I grew up in. Pretty sweet.
I love her round, chubby cheeks in this shot.
Utter cuteness.
Being silly with Grandma.
Pretty flower.
Grandma really likes to play.

Sitting up like a big girl!
Eloise loved meeting her Grammy and Gramps' new puppy, Gabby. Too much cuteness for one room.
Standing! Yikes!
I love the progression of these three pictures. She's so happy and loves her giraffe.

 Here's a video of Eloise eating her first foods, sweet potato and apples. It's kind of long and she actually does a really great job so it's not too funny or messy.  But I just know Eloise has some grandparents who will love to see it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let me count the ways...

My darling, Eloise. Your Mommy is so in love with you. I come up with more reasons each and every day.

I love how happy you are when you wake up for the day. Nothing makes me happier than to walk in and see your smilely face.

I love how since just recently, you've started cooing and playing in your crib when you wake up. I want to go in and pick you up but I just love listening to your sounds on that monitor.

I love how you crinkle your nose sometimes when you smile or laugh. I think you got that from Mommy.

I love how I see your Daddy's eyes when I look at you. You are a beautiful baby.

I love the sighing noises you make when you are nursing to fall asleep. Sweet, sweet sounds.

I love how when I rock you, you stare into my eyes and feel my face with your soft, tiny hands. Sweet, sweet hands.

I love how you love your grandparents. You have so many who love you dearly, and I'm so glad you don't mind sharing the love.

I love your diaper changing time. Seriously.

I love how giddy you get when I sing just the first note of a song you know.

I love that I sometimes give you the hiccups from laughing so hard.

I love that you love me un-showered, bad-breathed, and bed-headed.

I love, love, love that I get to spend my days with you. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I love your sweet voice as well has your high pitched excited screams.

I hate to say it, but I love your cute, sad little cry. And also love to comfort that cry.

I love how you enjoy being outside. You are such an observer, needing to take it all in.

I love your smell. After bath time or before. I doesn't matter.

I wonder what I'll love tomorrow? All of the above and so much more.

Thank you, God, for my darling Eloise.

Long Distance Love

Today the world is brighter. My beautiful niece, Maeve Victoria, was born. A tiny bundle of pure sweetness. If only I wasn't a plane ride away, I'd love to hold her and tell her how special she is and what a wonderful Mommy, Daddy and big brother she has and to warn her about the over-abundance of smooches that are going to cover her when Grandma gets there. Maeve, your Auntie Erica, Uncle Justin and girly cousin Eloise are so happy you have come into this world and blessed our family. We look forward to meeting you soon! Hugs and kisses to you all!